What is MAC?

Mindfulness for Adolescents and Carers (MAC) is Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) adapted for young people aged 15-18.

Mindfulness is about noticing what is happening in the present moment nonjudgmentally. By combining mindfulness meditation techniques with principles from cognitive therapy, MBCT teaches skills to recognise early warning signs of depression, avoid repetitive thinking patterns that make depression more likely, and respond in ways that protect mental health.

MAC is a more interactive and fun version of MBCT, designed to engage young people via questions, discussions, games and activities such as colouring or listening to music. MAC will be delivered in a group setting (up to 12 young people per group), across 8 weekly sessions, each lasting for 1 hour 30-45 minutes.

We will also invite parents or carers of young people to attend MAC sessions carried out separately, but their participation is entirely OPTIONAL. Parents and carers will work through similar MAC materials to understand more about what their young person is learning, so that they can support them better during their treatment.

What does taking part involve?

If you agree to take part in this study you will either:

Be assigned to take part in the MAC treatment, and still receive your current/usual treatment

Continue with your current treatment and not be assigned to take part in the MAC treatment

Will I receive MAC?

Not necessarily. To see how effective MAC is, we need to compare it to other treatments offered in the NHS.


  • Half of the participants will continue with their current care plan whilst the other half will be asked to attend our new 8-week mindfulness course (MAC).
  • Who gets MAC will be decided by a computer programme and will be random, a bit like flipping a coin.
  • Both groups will be interviewed and asked to fill in questionnaires over the course of six months, and both groups will be paid for their involvement